I was thinking today about how there is a high level of trust you have to have to experience a peaceful spiritual journey. It is work. You can’t just haphazardly trip through your day, weeks, months, or years blindly hoping that it will all come together and come together in an abundant way. You have to do the work, but the crazy thing is, the work is so simple and straightforward that once you get it, you can just flow. From there, the work you do is to maintain that flow.
The part that makes it hard is that it is very much a mental shift, and that shift goes against the strongest current you can imagine—the current of what the world dictates as truth, which in turn affects one's perspective, and then, how you live. I know, it’s a spicy spot to be in, but stay with me for a moment.
I was doing my morning meditation and prayers when I found myself saying, "Wherever I am, is exactly where I am supposed to be." For me, it was such a powerful thought and internal statement that I had to write it down. Think about that for a moment. Wherever you find yourself to be is exactly where you are supposed to be.
Now think of it in two different realms that together dictate your experience: The physical realm and the spiritual realm. If you create your life in such a way that you tap into your spirit to physically guide you daily, then you will understand and believe that wherever you find yourself physically, that is where you are supposed to be. The place you are right now is exactly where you’re meant to be.
And I mean this in the most grounded, present way possible: Wherever you are, physically, you are meant to be there. Whatever job you are at, wherever you live, and the people you engage with. To believe that spirit operates in your best interest is to understand that where you are is also in your best interest. I don’t care if I am traveling and get lost—I believe that I am being guided to the place where I will experience the most abundance, safety, and peace in the detour, more so than I would have in the route I was attempting to travel.
I can live in a place that isn’t what I truly want, but because I know that spirit has my best interest at heart, I trust that where I am is the place that is safest, calmest, and most peaceful for my being at that given moment. I know, it takes a mindset shift to get there and stay there. Perception can either be: I’m here in this moment because this is what is best for me right now, or it can be: I am here, and it sucks because it’s not where I want to be. You literally make these decisions every moment of the day, and they dictate your spiritual path and its level of difficulty.
Knowing that where you are physically is where you are supposed to be also means that you have the understanding that you have everything you need at any given moment. I think we get caught up in our definition of what that means to us, and maybe that’s where you need to restructure your mind. For me, it means that I have accumulated tools throughout my life journey that have shown me how to navigate life and all the ways it presents itself. No matter what comes my way, I can look into my tool bag and pull out something that helps me navigate my way through and/or out of situations, knowing that I will be guided the entire way.
One time, my parked car was hit in a parking lot. No cameras, no note. I took the car to get fixed and filed it under my car insurance. While driving the rental car (while my car was being fixed), a rock hit the windshield and cracked it. I called my insurance company and got a hold of a gentleman who was just about to get off work and would be gone for the next week. He told me step by step how to file my claim with both my insurance company and my credit card company so I didn’t have to pay for any damage to my car, nor the rental car, and only had to pay for my deductible. Was it uncomfortable? Yes. Did I cry? Here and there, yes. But I knew I was where I was supposed to be throughout the whole process. I wasn’t supposed to be in my car when it was hit. I wasn’t supposed to experience the interaction with the person who hit my car, for whatever reason. Yet, I was supposed to be in the rental car when the windshield was hit. I was supposed to pick up my car that day and decided to wait until Monday. I was supposed to be driving the rental car when it was hit instead of my personal car, so my credit card policy could pay for the damage and the loss-of-use fees the rental company charges for damages, which is something my car insurance wouldn’t cover if it had happened in my car. Wherever I am is where I’m supposed to be—my home, my car, my job, everywhere. And I have the tools to handle everything that life presents to me as I am guided by spirit.
But this realization goes beyond just a physical place. The spiritual realm is where you will also experience the biggest shift. It’s being fully present in the moment—mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Too often, we’re physically in one place, but our minds are somewhere else entirely. We’re rehashing past conversations, thinking about what could have been, or worrying about things that may never happen. But when I remind myself that wherever I am physically is exactly where I’m supposed to be, it brings me back into alignment. It brings my mental and emotional thoughts back to their home—back into my physical body where they belong.
When you are physically where you are supposed to be, that means your thoughts, emotions, and spirit should be there, too. It’s not enough to just be “present” in the space you occupy. We must also be mentally present, emotionally grounded, and spiritually aligned with the moment we are in.
If I’m sitting at home watching TV, I need to be there—mentally and emotionally—enjoying that time of rest and relaxation. If I’m running errands or out shopping, I need to be fully present in that moment, focused on what I am doing and the gratitude of being able to do it. My body is where it is supposed to be, and my spirit and mind should be there, too—not scattered about, visiting past experiences, or trying to interpret how others view me through their perspective.
I’ve come to realize that when I let myself be fully present in the moment, I don’t miss anything. I’m not missing out on opportunities because wherever I am, I am experiencing exactly what I’m meant to experience at that time. And if something or someone is meant to be in my life, it will be. Trusting that spirit not only protects and guides you, but also presents you with opportunities, people, and things that add peace, abundance, and positivity to your life in any given moment. What is meant for me will not pass me by. That’s a truth I’ve come to live by.
Always remember:
Flowing with spirit and through love is the key to flowing with life—letting it unfold naturally and trusting that you are always in the right place at the right time. Whether it’s an opportunity, a relationship, or a job, whatever comes your way, you are meant to experience it in that moment, and you have the tools to handle it. You’re not meant to hold on tightly to anything, trying to control it or make it last forever. You're meant to allow things to flow in and out of your life as they are meant to. If something is meant to stay, it will. If it’s meant to leave, that is okay too.
Wherever you are, that is the space you are meant to occupy, and the only place you need to be—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—is in the present moment.
When you align yourself with the present—when you become where you are—you open the door for real peace. There’s a freedom that comes with simply showing up for your own life, exactly as it is.
So, wherever you are right now—physically, emotionally, spiritually—trust that you are meant to be here.
Love you lots! -Sacred